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While we review a wide variety of materials, we specialize in audiobooks, mystery books, children's books, cookbooks, biographies, art and architecture, science, calendars, movies, and humor. We do not review most New Age, homeopathy, religious, or self-published books.

If, based on your press release or synopsis, we think we can review your work, we will send a request to you for a review copy. You will receive a hard copy of any review we publish or an Email confirmation.

We truly appreciate the expense and effort that goes into creating any publication, as well as the expense of packaging and mailing materials to us, and so we encourage you to consider these guidelines before you send us any material for review.

We rarely review any of the unsolicited books and other media we receive, and so we discourage you from sending books and tapes to us unless we request them. We do not acknowledge the receipt of such unsolicited materials, and we regret that there is little chance we would be able to review anything you submit in this manner. So please send a press release or catalog before submitting materials for review. We review a fairly broad array of books, audiobooks, software, and videos, but we focus on mysteries, children's books, cookbooks, computer books, business topics, biographies, software, and videos and entertainment media of various kinds. We rarely cover books on spirituality, religion, new age, homeopaty, mysticism, or self-published works and suggest that you try other venues for such material.

I apologize for using the "editorial we" here and throughout most of the site. For almost all of its history, I helped Maggie Ramirez, my wife and partner, to publish Rainbo Reviews. And although she passed away in 2007, I still think of her as being a vital part of this endeavor of love that she created. Her spirit, fine judgement and unique style guides me through all I do here.


Richard L. Trethewey
Rainbo Electronic Reviews